The Albums - Evil Spirits

Evil Spirits

Bit of a non event for me this but hopefully you love it so much you’ll sell your Gary Numan E.P.s and invest the proceeds in one of these mintballs.

There’s a few nice copies up for grabs including some sealed copies.

Evil Spirits is the eleventh studio album from the Damned. Released on 13th April 2018.

This probably divided fans more than Anything and/or I’m Alright Jack and The Bean Stalk.

Personally I’ve only ever listed to about 3 tracks once.

It’s really neet mijn kopje thee as they say in The Netherlands.

Anyway enough of my drivel, get your wallet out and start spending.

Evil Spirits Album

For Sale: Evil Spirits – U.K. & Europe 2018 Album, Spinefarm Records – Search And Destroy Records

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